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2021-04-08 07:51:59 | ||
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(require 2htdp/image) (require 2htdp/universe) (define (picture-of-rocket.v4 h) (cond [(<= h (- HEIGHT (/ (image-height ROCKET) 2))) ; "!!!" (place-image ROCKET 50 h (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT))] [(> h (- HEIGHT (/ (image-height ROCKET) 2))) (place-image ROCKET 50 (- HEIGHT (/ (image-height ROCKET) 2)) (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT))])) (define WIDTH 100) (define HEIGHT 400) (define ROCKET .) ; ----------------- ; the purpose of function is to stop rocket image ; when it arrive on the bottom of the scene. ; ----------------- ; QUESTION ; on the sixth line ; ; What is the logic of dividing height by 2 ; of the ROCKET image (from a mathematical aspect) ? ; ----------------- ;